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Why Does My Heat Pump Keep Short Cycling in Newnan, GA?

A heat pump is a great way to heat and cool your home efficiently. However, if your heating and cooling system is short cycling—turning off and on too quickly or prematurely—it could indicate an underlying problem. Read on to learn more about what might be causing the short cycling of your heat pump in Newnan, GA.

Low Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant is the chemical mixture that helps your system transfer heat from one place to another. With a lack of refrigerant, the system won’t be able to effectively move the heat, resulting in short cycling as it tries to compensate. The solution is to have an HVAC professional check your system, fix any leaks, and top off the refrigerant if necessary.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

Technicians should properly calibrate your thermostat so it can accurately detect temperature changes and adjust accordingly; if not, it could result in your system turning on and off erratically or too frequently. Do not try to fix this problem on your own. You need the help of a trained HVAC pro to either repair your thermostat or replace it entirely if necessary.

Clogged Air Filter

When an air filter gets clogged with dirt and debris, it restricts airflow into the system, which causes strain on the compressor motor. This can lead to frequent shut-offs due to overheating or overworking the motor.

The best way to address this problem is by regularly replacing your air filters. You should do this at least once every three months for optimal heat pump performance.

Incorrectly Sized System

If your heat pump is too large for your space, it may turn on and off more than necessary as it tries to reach the desired temperature. It’s imperature that your system is properly sized before installation, so this isn’t an issue.

If you’re looking for the best heating repair company in the area, call Trinity Air Inc. With our 24/7 emergency services, you’ll never wait long for help with maintaining your heat pump.

Image provided by iStock

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