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Can a Smart Thermostat Really Save You Money?

Smart thermostats are state-of-the-art units designed to maximize energy efficiency in your Woolsey, Georgia, home, but are they really worth the price? Manufacturers claim you can break even on upgrade costs in under two years, and studies show those claims aren’t far off the mark.

What Is a Smart Thermostat?

Smart thermostats are a step up from programmable thermostats in that they allow you to adjust the settings from any Wi-Fi enabled device. Certain models even learn your family’s behaviors and schedule, automatically adjusting temperatures throughout the day to save money in HVAC costs when you’re away from home. Simply adjust the thermostat as you normally would, and it will quickly pick up your habits.

Many units also allow you to review your usage history to better understand when your HVAC system runs and at what temperatures. When you get a clearer picture of your own energy usage, you can tweak the smart thermostat’s settings to maximize your home’s energy efficiency.

How Much Can You Save With a Smart Thermostat?

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program, programmable thermostats save homeowners anywhere from 10 to 30 percent off their heating and cooling costs, but only in theory. No government agency had conducted a real-world study on how much thermostats could save. That’s when a company called Nest Labs stepped in.

Nest Labs conducted a comprehensive study and released a white paper detailing their findings. The study showed that smart thermostat users save an average of 10 to 12 percent on heating costs and 15 percent on cooling costs. Those percentages equal about $131 to $145 in savings each year, which is a significant amount for families on a tight budget. Depending on which model you choose, a smart thermostat can easily pay for itself in less than two years.

Are you ready to upgrade to a smart thermostat and save money on your HVAC costs? Call Trinity Air at (770) 691-5394 to learn more.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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