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3 Ways Your AC Is Raising Your Electric Bills In Brooks, GA

Has your monthly energy bill been higher than normal lately? This can be normal for a month or so as we continue through the warmest months of the year, but if it extends past that, you could have AC issues on your hands. Here are three ways the AC system in your Brooks, GA, home could be costing you more each month.

Your AC Unit Is Too Old

How do you know if your HVAC unit has passed its prime? Generally speaking, if your system isn’t operating as well as it once did, it could be time to upgrade it. An inefficient AC system could be costing you big time in wasted energy expenses each month. If your system is more than 10 to 15 years old, it could be time for a replacement.

Your Thermostat Needs an Upgrade

You can often save money each month when you switch out your old thermostat for a new one. New smart thermostats and programmable thermostats allow users to adjust their home’s temperature according to a schedule, and some models even offer on-the-go Wi-Fi capability. These thermostats allow you to program you home’s temperature based on your specific needs and your daily routine, ultimately allowing you to save money.

Inefficient Air Flow

A dirty air filter and dusty ductwork can often be the culprit of high energy bills. Clogged airways can make a unit operate far less efficiently causing it to kick into work for longer periods of time and sending your energy bills skyrocketing. Improper airflow can also pose a serious threat to your home’s indoor air quality.

If you are experiencing any of these signs within your own home, it may be time for you to make a change. Take the first step toward lowering your energy bills by contacting the professionals at Trinity Air Inc. Heating and Air Conditioning today.

Image provided by iStock

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