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The Impact of Indoor Air Quality in Brooks, GA

Having good indoor air quality is important because it helps to protect the profitability of your business as well as the health of your employees in Brooks, GA. Studies conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have shown that indoor air often contains more pollutants than outdoor air. Poor indoor air quality can decrease profitability due to extra medical expenses and lost workdays for employees as well as the potential for losing customers.

Indoor Air Quality Can Affect the Brain

Cognition is the process people use in thinking, deciding and coming up with creative solutions. Indoor air pollutants such as particulate matter and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are especially detrimental to cognition.

Particulate matter can cause inflammation of the body’s central nervous system, and VOCs can cause issues such as impairments in memory and Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). Employees with impaired cognition do not perform at their best.

It Can Decrease Retention of Good Employees

The impact of poor indoor air quality extends far beyond issues with cognition. Talented and conscientious workers will want to work for a company that deeply values the health and safety of its workers, and that does not pose a serious risk to their well-being. Therefore, poor indoor air quality can lead to issues with retaining dedicated employees, making your business a revolving door of workers.

Poor Indoor Air Quality Differs From General Discomfort

It is important to keep in mind that indoor air quality can decrease for reasons outside of your immediate control, such as the quality of the outdoor air or equipment breaking down. Don’t confuse poor indoor air quality with discomfort in the building that has nothing to do with it, including temperature and humidity issues.

You can obtain gratifying results by focusing only on issues you can control. Know that you can resolve many issues with your company’s facility by staying vigilant about how your employees feel and becoming more knowledgeable about what makes for great indoor air quality.

Pollution Can Lead to Missed Opportunities

New research shows that as people’s cognitive capacities decline after exposure to air pollution, so does their desire to take calculated risks. This research includes a study at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health that found a strong link between particulate matter pollution and low returns on the stock market. While this may not seem like it has anything to do with your business, keep in mind that risk aversion can cause executives to lose opportunities in any enterprise.

Medical Issues Increase Because of Air Pollutants

Poor indoor air quality can cause new medical issues to arise or worsen pre-existing medical issues such as asthma or COPD, among others. Sticking to a schedule or completing a project for your business can quickly become difficult when too many of your employees do not show up to work because they are on sick leave.

Indoor Air Quality Can Lead to a Loss in Overall Productivity

Air pollution can lower the productivity of your employees by as much as 6%, according to an article by finance and business economics professor Tom Y. Chang. A brain with inflammation from dust particles can take a long time to return to normal. Preventive maintenance can help decrease air pollution.

No one who runs a company wants to deal with a loss in productivity or cause an employee’s illness. It’s important to keep tabs on the air quality of your business by making sure the HVAC system matches the size of your building, using filtration products, running a dehumidifier to keep humidity at a comfortable level and checking that the work space your employees use has adequate ventilation. Contact us at Trinity Air Inc. for commerical HVAC services in Brooks, GA.

Image provided by iStock

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